Weathering the Storm

Rain Sun Roof
Weathering the Storm
By David De Jong

Weathering the storm
Till the sun decides to shine
Holding on to hope

Time seems to stand still
Yet the clock sticks to its task
Pressing on ahead

Even through the night
The storm navigates its way
Spending bursts of light

Cold dampness surrounds
Sheltered anxious inner panes
Yearn to be unlatched

Swift-flowing creeks
Swelling river embankments
Cleansing dried up shores

Trees begin to lean
Earth losing its mighty grip
Strength is laid to rest

New paths are molded
Etched in freshly planted fields
Scars ‘til harvest comes

Gray masks over light
Obscured daylight blue confused
Pleading sun’s return

Saturated earth
Over abundantly blessed
Filling all its stores

The old heron stands
Defiant in his domain
Fishing for his chance

Green takes liberty
Adorning its many shades
Hiding winter’s way

Abundant new growth
Awaits its moment of grace
Patiently in peace

New moss grows freely
Over bare forgotten trails
Covering old wounds

Puddles wait their turn
Searching for a beam of light
Heaven’s reflection

Green pastures resting
Planted seeds bursting with joy
Hope has taken hold

Bud and blossom burst
Triumphant beauty displayed
Thankful for the storm

Remind us gently
Blessings seen from darker days
Yield the brightest light

2 thoughts on “Weathering the Storm

  1. Oh wow! LOVE these! Especially:

    Puddles wait their turn
    Searching for a beam of light
    Heaven’s reflection

    This little one contains so much beauty, wisdom, image, hope … all in 17 syllables. WOW.

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