
Apollo (Photo Credit: NDJ)

Our daughter got this cat as a rescue from a shelter a few months ago. He’s super sweet but has certain apprehensions to human interactions as a lot of cats do. She recently saw his paws reaching under the door and wondered what he was doing. She got down, peered under the door and this is what she saw. She quickly snapped this photo of his bright happy eye, trying to see her on the other side of the door. He’s happy, mostly content, but just wants to be with someone in the house. He wants to belong.

His life so far had not been a bed of roses though. He had been abandoned, for whatever reason we will never know. He was brought and left at the shelter as a stray. That’s all we know. We don’t know how he was treated, but he is friendly, not skittish so he must have been someone’s pet at one time. He seems to get more trusting, loveable and active as health issues are discovered and made well.

Recently it was discovered he had some bad teeth and had to have them removed. So he got loaded up into his crate and driven to the vet. After the procedure, he was clearly upset, despondent and well – a little drugged out of his mind. After a few days of healing, he became even more snuggly, playful, and wanting to be part of the family more so than he had ever been before. It was like he had been reborn. He realized these humans must truly love me. This outcast misfit, left at the mercy of some strangers in a chaotic place ironically called, a shelter. I just went through something very unpleasant and painful but now, I feel better than I have in a long time. I feel like a cat should feel. They want to take care of me. They want to love me and now, I want to love them.

Isn’t that what God does with us, or through us?

We feel abandoned or maybe we actually are abandoned. We are forced to move to a different home, a strange town or across the country. We feel alone, out of place, question our welcome and with great anxiety wonder: What is coming next? We get stricken with some cruel disease or ailment, from something we did in our life or just a random occurrence. We question; why is this happening to me? What did I do, to deserve this? I thought I was being a good person.

We meet some folks through a new job, a class, a hobby, or a support group. Maybe we become part of a new congregation and start participating in a study group or project. We slowly feel like we belong and realize some of these new people we have met have created a new purpose in our life. They minister to us and quite possibly, we minister to them. Strangers become dear friends and walk beside us to help carry the burdens we carried alone. Together we celebrate our small triumphs, our healing, our new found life. Did this all just happen by chance? I believe this is not merely by chance, but part of God’s plan.

There are many things in this life we get rescued from and in many things, we are (or can be) instruments in the rescue. Something as simple as a kind word or gesture given with genuine compassion can change your day as well as a stranger’s. Paying for some basic groceries for that single parent telling her kids; “No they cannot have that candy bar, it cost too much.” while the lady at the check-out tells her the debit card has been rejected. Helping the kid that comes into the store to buy a pair of shoes but only has a fraction of the money needed to buy some plain, everyday shoes to wear to school so his holey ones don’t get laughed at. Bringing an elderly neighbor some fruits of your labor in the garden and taking the time to just have a friendly chat.

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 NIV

These verses in Jeremiah were spoken to the Jews that were carried off into exile.
For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found in you and will bring you back from captivity. Jeremiah 29:11-14a NIV

Often, we find ourselves in some sort of exile. We feel abandoned, or alone after a move we didn’t want, like a stray cat. All alone in this new and different place. Or we’re faced with a disease we know little about, how we got it and now, how will we deal with it. Maybe our body is broken and there’s a major medical procedure we are scheduled to go through. Maybe our family has been torn apart by drugs, divorce or even death. So many unknowns, yet there is one who does know and somewhere – in that mess – is part of his plan. Somewhere in that mess, somehow, something good will come from it. We may not see it. We may not feel it. But some day, maybe not until we reach eternity, we will know it. Just because we are scared of the situation doesn’t mean we lack faith. Faith is what helps us to fight the fear and take that next step knowing that in all things we are a child of God, and that his love and compassion cannot be out-weighed, they are infinite and merciful. Like going to our first day of school, holding tight to mom or dad’s hand with a little fear, but knowing they love us and would not bring us to something to intentionally hurt us.

So, if you are feeling like you are an abandoned stray, take courage and have (even a little) faith. There is hope. There is someone that cares. There is someone that is praying for you. There is a God, the One True Lord Almighty, who knows. Even if you feel as if you are completely alone in your current situation, you are not.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Eagle Sunrise

Got up early Saturday and drove to this old cottonwood tree that sits in the middle of a field to watch the sun come up. It was warmer than some of the last mornings but still a bitter -4 Degrees Fahrenheit,

I think most folks drive by and don’t realize what this tree holds. Over the last several years there has always been a family of Bald Eagles living in the enormous nest you can see at the top. It is fairly hidden during the warmer months but it’s really easy to see and watch before the foliage returns. In the summer months you can see the young ones either in the nest or perched in the branches.

As the sun came up, I snapped a few shots and just enjoyed the view. Simple beauty in nature. Just going to let the pictures speak for themselves.

Master Shepherd

Master Shepherd

Safely in, my Master’s care
Guided by His staff I dare
Counted in grace of His fold
Blessings poured exceeding gold

Checking time, forward and back
Ne’er a need, nor nothing lacked
Valleys passed, across the glade
Looking long at progress made

Hardened heart and dusted dreams
Washed away by quiet streams
Comfort held in what is seen
Simple bliss in pastures green

Guarded gates, against the night
Latched and locked in shepherd’s might
Keeping watch for hidden foe
Stalking high or haunting low

Given cause in solemn days
Feasting on celestial ways
Trusting in His endless love
Praises raised to God above

Her Name is Winter

Winter’s Grin

Her Name is Winter

With a wink in her eye and a cruel smile
She lets you know, she’ll be ‘round awhile
Her record’s stuck, playin’ that same ol’ song
Like an earworm itch, gnawin’ way too long

We gave her acclaim, at the start of play
Fixxin’ up a new look, beginnin’ each day
But her attire’s lookin’ old, we’ve seen enough
Even though her stings, been makin’ us tough

She fancies to tease, more often than please
With cold hard stares, takin’ us to our knees
Her beauty will deceive you, just like that
You’ll soon be cursin’, you forgot your hat

Her heart might change and offer a delight
As you bask in awe, at aurora light
Or as you play, amidst her lacey threads
And laugh with delight, upon flyin’ sleds

When the trees are glassed, from her frosty sprays
There’s a sense of magic, on full display
Her tinseled ribbons and glitter galore
Dressed to the nines, with you beggin’ for more

But she’ll break your spirit and other parts
She’ll steer full negative, til nothin’ starts
You’ll soon lose zeal, to her allurin’ ways
Have second thoughts, when she’s witherin’ the days

She’ll fake a gesture and return to cruel
Like a chained-up dog or bipolar mule
Turn your back and you’ll be gettin’ a stitch
And callin’ her a name, that rhymes with witch

So take care my friend and heed my advice
Stay clear the deceit, the cold, and the ice
Find a tropical isle and take a break
Get some sand in your toes and shimmy-shake

Soak up the sun, where you’ve got half a chance
Where there’s no need to wear, long underpants
While warm breezes sing, a different tune
And surf keeps rhythm, to a calmin’ moon

But if you’re not able, to steal away
Your sentence given, demandin’ you stay
Let her know your plan, on hunkerin’ down
Get stocked well on supplies, while still in town

Post a wary eye and keep careful watch
Chances are, she’ll kick ya, square in the crotch


Grandpa’s Toy Train Repair Shop (aka Kitchen Table)

Just before Christmas I went through an old box of trains that no longer worked. One by one I carefully took them apart, fixed what was needed, and put them back together. Some needed new batteries, others were full of corrosion, or just wound-up fuzz. All but one was restored to previous condition and joyfully played with by grandchildren, parents and grandparents over Christmas. Isn’t that what God does with us sometimes? Until we are broken into pieces, we don’t see what’s really going on. In His way and time, He repairs us, puts us back together again, and rekindles our spirit. Even when we fall off the path (track), He picks us up with loving hands and places us back on the right one.


We throw the switch, but the gears don’t run
Scratch our heads, thinkin’ the battles done
Ponderin’ again the ailment brought
Waitin’ too long, neglectin’ help be sought

Bones are tired, twisted, becomin’ weak
Rememberin’ the days, of strong and sleek
Connections corrodin’, down to a wire
Heapin’ wet regret, on a fadin’ fire

The Master Conductor sees what we need
But we won’t listen, nor take any heed
Til we come to the point, we’re on our knees
Just broken, scattered bits, like wind caught seeds

Wisely He fixes, and cleanses each part
With a gentle touch and loving heart
We may see nothin’ ‘cept a heapin’ pile
But the Master’s workin’, all the while

Reconnectin’ the power so-to-speak
Replacin’ a spirit no longer weak
So when the switch is thrown, the whistle blows
The wheels start turnin’ and the fire glows

We’ve re-found purpose and back on track
Full speed ahead with a steamin’ stack
Call it what you may but know what’s true
Ol’ Master Conductor, will see you through


A Grand Hike in the Woods

May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; Psalm 20:1a

There are times in our life when we feel all alone, carrying this burden that no one else sees or cares about. In reality, we are not alone but watched with a loving heart even when we don’t physically see it. We may see small hints in the peripheral or in a shadow that something much bigger is part of this story. We may never know or find out the “why” until that day we step into eternity. There, with tears in our eyes, in a warm embrace, it’ll come to us. Keep the faith. His eye is on the sparrow, and you (we) are much more valued than any sparrow.


We’ve all served a time desperate for help
From a friend, a stranger, or God Himself
Wretched in pain, disease, or broken dreams
Grief tearing our core from its inner seams

Memories pass for tears in a salty wash
Bleeding from a soul drowning in thoughts
Some of circumstance of choices once made
Forgotten, left behind, ill-gotten trade

Some brought by nothing of choice or of life
Symptoms arrived from unwarranted strife
Not earned or boughten or placed on account
An error of surmounting unfair amount

Falling to our knees unable to stand
Knocked off composure by an unseen hand
Balled in a knot of weak trembling boughs
In unconscious chorus of woes and no’s

This was David when he lost his son
Or in hiding from jealous spears flung
While holding to a promise heard in part
He was God’s chosen, a man of His heart

The Psalms he wrote still comfort us today
Or give us words when unable to pray
Had his life been easy, affliction free
There’d be no Psalms to comfort you or me


Small steps forward for the new year. Have faith – the faith of a child.

Belated happy new year and welcome back to what may be considered a “rebranding”. It has been some time since I myself showed up at this doorstep and I must admit, there is a part of me that dearly misses it. I enjoy the pondering, the writing, the internet friends made, and the encouragement received.

I have no excuse for not showing up other than; life, I was busy, I spent 9-10 hours staring at a screen at work, I don’t know what to write, etc., etc. None of them acceptable yet uttered in my defense, I hope to do better.

Last year (2022) I got stirred by a co-worker’s social media post of the 35 books they had read, or listened to, in 2021. It intrigued me and quite frankly, it blew my mind – even though our oldest grandson (in his teen years) finds it difficult to find a book in the city library he has not read. How do they find the time? I learned just like everything else; you don’t find the time, you make it.

I pondered:

Could I equal that feat?

Could I surpass it?

What would it take to say, read one book a week, Fifty-two books, before the end of the year? We were already a couple weeks into 2022. Could I, a mind wondering, slow reader, actually read fifty-two books in 2022? I usually struggle to get through one.

Then I started to consider what the benefits might be.

A new silent challenge.

A worthy goal.

This might be what my head needs to kick it in gear for 2023. Maybe if I saturate my brain in books for a year it would be like a jump-start to that old battery in the parking lot and put some energy into writing next year. Everything I have read about writing says, to write more – read more.

Just to set the record (and brag a bit) by mid-December 2022, I had read a total of 60 (yes 6-0) books and loved nearly every one of them. I read more books last year than I had in most of my life collectively. Some might say; ya, it shows. My goal was 52, two weeks of COVID gave me the bonus of eight for extra credit.

What does all of that have to do with 2023 and this “re-branding”? Well, I’m not 100% sure yet. I’m hoping you’ll stick with me through this and maybe find something to it. For some reason, intervention, call it what you may, I started pondering on Psalm 20 and Psalm 23 as a theme for 2023 around the holidays. Pretty original right? These are a couple of my favorite Psalms for personal reasons and maybe I’ll write about some of that. Psalm 20 is a battle prayer. If ever there was a spiritual and physical battle going on in this world, today is that day. Psalm 23 is one of the most famous chapters in the Bible and yet there is a lot of it that we don’t really understand in today’s perspective, but it still gives us hope and comfort as a shepherd does. Maybe I’ll add some poetry and give you a story, a memory, a reason for that piece, or go back to an old post and give a little behind the scenes there. Where did it come from? What was in my heart. Sometimes it’s obvious, but other times you as a reader have no idea what those lines were really about. I do – some bring tears yet today when I go back to read them.  

So, thankfully and prayerfully – Welcome back. Welcome to Twenty-Twenty-Three. I hope you come back and share in this endeavor.

Psalm 20

(A prayer for victory in battle.)

  1. May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
  2. May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.
  3. May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings.
  4. May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
  5. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests.
  6. Now I know that the LORD saves the anointed; he answers him from his holy heaven with the saving power of his right hand.
  7. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God,
  8. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.
  9. O LORD, save the king! Answer us when we call!

Psalm 23

(God seen as a caring shepherd and a dependable guide.)

  1. The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
  2. He makes me to lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
  3. he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
  4. Even though I walk in the valley of the shadows of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
  5. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
  6. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Awakened Peace

Queen Mary_2

Photo Credit: N. de Jong

Awakened Peace

By David De Jong

While endless reels of memories play

An old, rustled mind kneels to pray

Whispering words to heaven above

Wondering the merit this gracious love

Blessings a man never could describe

Left to melody its soul provides

More valid in quaint interpretation

Than all the words of imagination

Flow of bow-n-string or solemn wind

Tarry aloft an endearing friend

As notes give scent to history

The mind steeps its savored memory

Priceless treasures born of love now grown

Tend and nurture rare gems their own

Hearts of light to shine beyond the night

Much to an aging father’s delight

If my heart could not see this melody

I fear it cursed in its own tragedy

How dare I deserve this symphony

What was my contributory

Twas not that my life was free of sin

No, I dare not speak of thoughts within

Or numbered times my path so far strayed

Of hearts cleft asunder, of love betrayed

There is no reason, other than Grace

That my heart, my soul, my life, find place

In measures of chorus this earthly lease

For when I look forward, I find peace

Prompted quietly by a tender heart

How our ancestor’s faith gave ours its start

The passages they read, their stalwart accord

Assuring us of a Faithful Lord

While I reminisce this moment in bliss

A tear of joy presents its gentle kiss

As my heart is filled with quiet rejoice

Sacred Psalms once again renew their voice


Signal Mt 06-2019

By David De Jong

Wooly black calves prancin’ in golden stubble
Shifts a mind to grin and pass on its trouble
Carefree young yearlin’s full of shine and spry
With nary a woe and pleasin’ to the eye

Scattered snow geese wait their turn takin’ flight
Rested, fed and nourished on a high plain night
They hold no bags nor reservations in tow
Trustin’ in a path hidden to us below

Natures knack of tellin’ time and findin’ place
Could stand a learnin’ by our human race
We chatter and banter beggin’ for a sign
Yet when shown we declare, Lord it ain’t mine

Dance in the wind and face the rain
Give grace to the past, break the chain
Find a peace that’s stronger than any pain
Find a love that’s deeper than any gain

Snow covered summits emerge hidden for weeks
Rays of light burstin’ deflected off the peaks
A chance moment at sunrise or so it seems
Castin’ burdens aside for a glance at dreams

Skies cleared blue again of their frazzle and smoke
As azure stirred once more and winter woke
We mourn the pass of summer while holdin’ fall
Contemplatin’ meanin’, the sense of it all

Like calves of green pasture or birds takin’ wing
Seasons ne’er take time to pause yet live to sing
As the soul that toils yet can live at ease
For it knows its Maker whom it lives to please

Dance in the wind and face the rain
Give grace to the past, break the chain
Find a peace that’s stronger than any pain
Find a love that’s deeper than any gain

Broken in a Storm


This small sunflower captured my eye weeks after we had a fierce thunderstorm during the summer. I initially thought it was a fluke that decided to bloom way before it reached the height of the others. Then I realized – it had been broken. Somehow it mustered its strength and turned back to the heavens and with all its strength – still blossomed. It made me ponder, that if this plant – of all things – can be restored to enough strength to still bloom in all its glory, then shouldn’t we as humans – in all our wisdom – be able to do the same. Stay focused on the Creator and you will be amazed in His Grace and in doing so, possibly bless another.

Broken in a Storm
By David De Jong

Broken in a storm
Tattered and worn
Strength escaped

Broken in a storm
Lifeless forlorn
Hope removed

Broken in a storm
Fractured battered
To the knee
Where Grace

Broken in a storm
Faith in a Light
Out of sight

Broken in a storm
Praising His will
Into might

Broken in a storm
With Hope renewed

Broken in a storm
Where scars still show
Faintly neath